“We must defeat Russia!”: The Japanese called for the return of the Kuril Islands after the Black Sea incident

Photo: Still from the video

Japanese readers of Sankei Shimbun commented on the material about the incident with the British destroyer Defender, which entered the territorial waters of Russia in the Black Sea and was forced to retreat after warning firing and bombing. Many Japanese have noticed that the British will worsen the situation and Tokyo has a chance to return the Kuril Islands.

“All that remains is to pray for the British, our longtime allies, who helped us win the Russo-Japanese War. Now perhaps they will help with the return of the northern territories! “- writes one of the users. His countrymen agree with him. “Good work, the British!”, “The British warn us again – we must defeat Russia, as in the Russo-Japanese War!”, “Japan, like the British around Crimea, must constantly sail around the northern islands with its warships! Let Russia be nervous! “- write to the Japanese.

Some even think that “one decisive blow” is needed to “disintegrate” Russia. But some say it is necessary to look at what is happening sensibly – the British retreated quickly after their provocation and it is dangerous to irritate the Russians. Moreover, the likelihood of a global war cannot be ruled out because of these acts. It is worth noting that the Black Sea incident has caused a militaristic mood among the British themselves, but many of them, the people of Foggy Albion, wonder why their fleet is so far from their homeland and whose interests are watching over the Russian coast, a problem migration flow across the English Channel has not yet been resolved.

Источник www.mk.ru

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