Lavrov first met with the British Foreign Secretary amid new allegations in the Skripalov case


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held his first meeting with the new British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss. The meeting took place within the UN General Assembly.

It is specified that the negotiations were not planned in the ministerial schedule. The meeting took place against the background of new charges against the United Kingdom against Russia in the case of Skripal's poisoning. The conversation took place behind closed doors.

Recall that the British police stated earlier that they had filed charges against a third suspect in the attempted murder of Sergei and Julia Skripal, as well as police officer Nick Bailey. It was the Russian Denis Sergeev, who according to Scotland Yard is an employee of the GRU (General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation). He is also known as Sergei Fedotov.

We add that on 16 September, Elizabeth Truss replaced Dominic Raab as British Foreign Secretary.


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