The State Duma will appeal to the UN after the scandal with the Nazi punisher in the Canadian Parliament


State Duma unanimously adopted statement “In connection with the encouragement of the Canadian authorities to Ukronazism and neo-fascism”, in which she strongly condemned the awarding of the veteran of the Waffen-SS division “Galicia” Jaroslav Hunka in the Canadian Parliament.

The incident occurred on Monday in Ottawa, where before the Canadian Vladimir Zelenskyj spoke to the deputies. In the hall was a 98-year-old Nazi prisoner who was invited as an honored guest. As Reuters reported, the Canadians presented the owner of Bank Hunk as “a Ukrainian hero who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians during the Second World War.”

Russian MPs voted 399 votes (100 percent of them). present in the hall) to approve a statement condemning attempts to rehabilitate Nazism in Canada.

“The members of the State Duma do not regard this outrageous event as an accident, but as another step in the deliberate, calibrated course of Canada and the West as a whole to rewrite history so , to suit the political situation.

It is quite obvious why Canada and a number of other Western countries, as well as Ukraine, have joined them, do not support the anti-fascist resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, which prohibit the glorification of Nazism and for which the overwhelming majority of countries in the world vote.” , – states the statement quoted by the leader of the LDPR faction, the head of the Duma Committee on International Affairs, Leonid Slutsky.

State Duma Deputy Speaker Irina Yarovaya drew her colleagues' attention to the fact that it , what happened in Ottawa is a violation of international norms and a 2014 Russian law prohibiting the rehabilitation of Nazism. In this regard, the members of the Duma decided not only to send their statement to the parliaments of all countries of the world, but also to send an appeal to the UN.


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