Financial Times: The West failed to prepare the Ukrainian armed forces for a counter-offensive

Photo: Global Look Press

The West failed to properly train Ukrainian troops before counter-offensive, writes the Financial Times.

The publication says that Kiev's allies must admit shortcomings in the training and equipment of the Ukrainian armed forces, which contributed to “disappointing progress” during the counter-offensive. -offensive.

The article says one of the main lessons from the counteroffensive is that Western training for Ukrainian troops, which usually lasts five weeks, is too short.

However, some US officials privately they blamed Ukraine and not their trainers, complaining that Ukraine was unable to handle modern operations combining mechanized infantry, artillery and air defense and was too risk-averse in its approach.

The publication also generally acknowledges mistakes in counteroffensive planning. “The idea that Ukrainian troops would break through Russian positions without any air cover has always been more of a Hollywood plot than a reality,” writes the FT. the fact that they failed to achieve the desired decisive breakthrough and are now “preparing for a protracted war.” whether Western supporters of Ukraine are willing to support the country in the long term.

The article says that Ukraine has returned to a campaign of attrition. It should be noted that the Russian armed forces “continue to learn from their adversaries and adapt their tactics, whether through disrupting supply lines, increasing the use of drones or repelling Ukrainian attacks.”

According to the author of this article, the situation ” got into a critical situation where none of the parties has decisive military superiority.”


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