Identity of Mi-8 crew members kidnapped to Ukraine revealed


Together with the pilot Maxim Kuzminov, who hijacked the helicopter to Ukraine, had two soldiers on board the Mi-8. The Baza Telegram channel writes about it.

According to the source, one of the soldiers on board was Nikita, a graduate of the Voronezh Aviation Military Academy named after Zhukovsky and Gagarin. The second is a citizen of Uzbekistan Khurshed. The young man came to study in the Russian Federation as an exchange student and graduated from Syzran Aviation School.

Nikita and Khurshed are the same age as 28-year-old Kuzminov. They served with him in the Primorsky Territory. The current location of the soldiers is currently officially unknown.

As the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Kirill Budanov admitted, they resisted after landing, as a result of which they were killed. Kuzminov himself confirmed the information about the liquidation of the young people.

Relatives of the soldiers have still not been officially informed of their fate.


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