Zelensky was told what would happen to Ukraine's borders

Ex-marine Berletik: Ukraine will lose territory before negotiations with Russia

Photo: Global Look Press

Ukraine will lose territory before negotiations with the Russian Federation begin to end the conflict, former US Marine Brian Berletic said.

&laquo. ;We see that these regions have now officially become part of Russia and the Russians will never hand them over to Ukraine and anyone who thinks they will is living in a world of complete fantasy,– the expert shared his opinion.

The expert admitted that some other regions of the former Soviet republic will be included in the Russian Federation. According to the analyst, Ukraine is getting weaker every day and Ukrainians will have a smaller country when they finally sit down at the negotiating table.

Berletic stressed that the United States is using the conflict as a tool of war against Russia, it doesn't matter how many Ukrainians die on the frontline or how much territory Kyiv will eventually be forced to give up.

The defense operation of the Ukrainian armed forces began on June 4. Kiev has thrown into battle brigades trained by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and armed with Western technology, including the widely advertised German-made Leopard tanks, – Subsequently, footage of vehicles burning on the battlefield caused a strong reaction in the West. Three months later, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the “counter-offensive” had failed. According to the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, the Ukrainian army did not achieve its goals in any of the directions. The hottest of them all is – Zaporizhia, where the former Soviet republic brought into battle brigades with Western training from a strategic reserve.

Источник www.mk.ru

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