Ukraine took sixth place at Eurovision: Europe is tired

Ukraine took sixth place at Eurovision: Europe is tired

photo: freeze frame video EurovisionSongContest

Ukrainian techno duo Tvorchi failed to repeat the success of Ukrainian ethnic rappers Kalush Orkestra, who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 202. Andrey Gutsulyak and Kenny Jeffrey, who they moved to Ukraine from Nigeria 10 years ago, they took only 6th place. At the same time, they received 189 points from the audience and only 54 from the expert jury.

The carefully selected song Heart of Steel (“Steel Heart”) did not help the creators either. The duo assured that it was dedicated to warning about the dangers of nuclear war. At the same time, when the song was announced, allusions to Russia were made in one way or another. “Today, while some are playing with nuclear threats, our steel-hearted people are protecting the whole of Europe,” was how the Ukrainian composition was presented in Europe. At the same time, Gutsulyak stated that he was inspired to write the song by the inflexibility of the Ukrainian army during the attack on Azo-Stal. But it seems that the European audience is getting tired of flirting with the theme of war.

Swedish singer of Moroccan-Berber origin Loreen became the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest for the second time with 583 points. Second place with 526 points was taken by the Finnish rapper Kaarija, who was considered the favorite. The third result – 362 points – was performed by the Israeli singer Noa Kirel.


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