US failure in Afghanistan has forced us to talk about a “US military conspiracy”

Who Formed President Biden

Former US President Donald Trump said his successor Joe Biden should resign “in disgrace” over the rapid takeover of Afghanistan by a radical Taliban (terrorist) organization banned in Russia). It happened after American soldiers left the republic after almost 20 years in it. The expert said who assembled the head of the White House and whether his reputation would be damaged.


The English-speaking media on both sides of the Atlantic are full of attacks on Joe Biden, who washed his hands and left Afghanistan to his fate. Moreover, when the US president was convicted, both left and right publications showed rare unanimity. Donald Trump could not move silently after the Kabul disaster. “It is time for Joe Biden to shame in shame for what he allowed in Afghanistan, along with the huge wave of COVID-19, the border disaster, the collapse of energy independence and our crippled economy,” Trump said in a statement. . “It won't be a big deal because he wasn't legally elected.”

According to the former US leader, what Biden did to Afghanistan is “legendary” and will be remembered as “one of the biggest defeats in US history.” with the Taliban in Qatar's capital Doha In February 2020, the parties even signed an agreement on the timing of the withdrawal of the US contingent from Afghanistan, but this was repeatedly postponed and started under Joe Biden in May this year.

“Trump's position is largely shared by members of the Republican Party and some members of the political elite,” said Vladimir Vasiliev, chief scientist at the US and Canadian Studies Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – The administration had plenty of time to decide what to do with Afghanistan. As a result, Biden decides to leave unequivocally, based on the fact that the Kabul regime is strong enough, the government will resist, and the Americans will use this to support the situation for a very long time. However, this decision proved to be his main strategic miscalculation, which could have extremely negative consequences for the reputation of the president and his administration, and their prestige will be undermined.

At the same time, shortly before, a number of senior US military officials expressed the view that such a hasty withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan could lead to a vacuum, which the Taliban would take advantage of immediately.

What was happening was seen as a US escape from the battlefield, so very quick attacks followed. The fighters literally captured all strategically important provinces, cities and most importantly – the capital of the Republic of Kabul.

And by the way, calls for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan have also been heard from political circles. In particular, Hillary Clinton demanded that she reconsider this issue in the spring. Biden did not seem particularly afraid of the fate of Afghanistan, he was guided by other considerations.

The decision to withdraw troops could be due, among other things, to financial motives. The fact is that the financing of these operations was at the expense of a fund set up in 2001 specifically for this purpose. When a new administration came to power in the United States and questions about the withdrawal of troops began to be pedalized, a very important thing happened: the fund was abolished.

Against this background, Biden's incompetence is quite obvious, and therefore the calls for resignation did not arise out of nowhere. For him, it is really a direct failure to fulfill obligations, which is caused by old age and misunderstanding of the situation.

There are also personal moments. At one time, when Barack Obama announced that he wanted to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, he was “slapped” with the Nobel Prize. I have a feeling that Biden, with his ambition, is also not opposed to receiving any reward for this. “

In this respect, elements of conspiracy theories cannot be ruled out, the expert believes. According to him, the US military could simply frame Biden.

“It is possible that the information was originally provided incorrectly,” the political scientist continues. – Repairmen deliberately confused the administration, pushing it to irresponsibly or recklessly withdraw troops, citing the fact that everything is fine in Afghanistan. Middle-level generals or field commanders were most likely involved in the political game.

Trump's statement after the defeat of the current administration is reminiscent of a soft invitation to a form of coup. The former president clearly felt that now was the time to defeat the military personnel. How this will be done is hard to say. It is likely to try to fundamentally change the state of affairs in the US armed forces and create such conditions that the military and part of its leadership can intervene in politics.

During the 20 years of the US military's stay in the US republic, they have invested $ 2 trillion. According to official figures, the Americans lost almost 2.5,000 soldiers in the conflict, more than 20,000 were injured. Today, it's all net losses. “

Recall that on Sunday, August 15, the Taliban announced the establishment of control over the entire territory of Afghanistan. The administration of the republic was transferred to a temporary council, which would later transfer power to the Taliban. It includes Abdullah Abdullah, head of the Supreme Council for National Reconciliation, and former President Hamid Karzai.

Current Afghan leader Ashraf Ghani fled abroad, explaining it as a desire to avoid bloodshed. According to initial data, the politician went to Uzbekistan with his wife and two advisers. This was confirmed by Ghani's bodyguard. Other sources say the president flew to Oman or Tajikistan. In a post on his Facebook, the president admitted defeat to the government.


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