“We must not overlook the situation in the country under any circumstances.”

Experts believe that Sergei Shoigu is adequately focusing on internal stability as the basis for the country's security. the theme of threats faced by almost every state. At the same time, he noted that external threats are not the most severe, because recent attempts to destroy the state from within have become the most dangerous.

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

The Minister of Defense, who spoke about external threats, emphasized that the ways to deal with them are known and elaborate, because “ military threats are when we are threatened, and we understand who is threatening, what is threatening, we know what they are armed, we know how to prevent it, how to deal with it, we will build a power defense accordingly. “” Danger to any country. “The essence of this threat is to start processes during which` `society is gradually falling into disrepair ''. He cited as examples of the implementation of new threats what happened in the next historical period in Yugoslavia, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria.

We asked experts on domestic politics, the development of social and political processes in modern society, to comment on the main thesis of the speech of the Minister of Defense. Here are their estimates.

Today Shoigu & ndash; it is practically a symbol of Russia's defense capability. In any case, the perception of most people is exactly this. And, of course, he understands perfectly who and what may threaten the security of the country. And these are external threats and, of course, the situation in the country, which can by no means be overlooked.

We know many examples of how whole states have suffered because of the internal decline of society: they have lost their independence, they have been forced to act in the interests of hostile countries, not their own citizens. By the way, outside adversaries will immediately read all the prerequisites for internal destabilization and try to turn them in their favor.

That's why Sergei Shoig's statement at the “ Territory of the Senses & # 39; & # 39; Logical and sensible, young people should understand what is worthwhile and, most importantly, what may follow the loud challenges of some political “ personalities & # 39; & # 39 ;.

– Company dissolution & ndash; this is a completely real and tangible threat that worries not only politicians but also ordinary people. The ideology of the unlimited pursuit of money has survived its usefulness, and we have not yet developed new meanings and ideas. This is a slow process that can take years. That's why, of course, our ideals try to erode and undermine & ndash; in order to disrupt the emergence of a national idea around which all the citizens of our country will gather. The destruction of institutions and offices, especially in the person of the Church, the memory of ancestors and families, places a mine under Russia that will not be so easy to neutralize. That is why we must act now and not allow the release of the foundations on which our country has always held and continues to hold. We do not trade with our homeland: neither for praise from outside, nor for perversion, which for some reason is called “ values“ in the West. & nbsp;

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