The Azerbaijani ambassador has proved that the Russians can be intervened with impunity in shit

The threatening words of our politicians are contrary to deeds

The Russians, you and me, can intervene in shit with complete impunity. It's a shame, but true. For example, Isfandiyar Vagabzade, the former ambassador of Azerbaijan to Belarus, Moldova and Pakistan, said in a clash with Zhirinovsky that the Russians are pigs. In response, Vladimir Volfovich promised to send a “hard letter” to the President of Azerbaijan. Will it help? Recent events show no.

Isfandiyar Vagabzade Photo: Still from the video

Vahabzade said that he shed blood in Afghanistan, fulfilled the Soviet “occupation duty”, worked for the Russians in Iran, where the Russians themselves “did nonsense” and the whole Russian nation smells like pigs, the whole world can not breathe. And it seems that the Russians should be grateful to Azerbaijan, which sends fish and caviar to Russia when its inhabitants starve to death.

Zhirinovsky promised to respond to the head of the Republic of Azerbaijan with a request to initiate a criminal case. “This insult is monstrous.” This is the Middle Ages. “

It's hard to disagree. And the rising tide of indignation is absolutely just. Perhaps the Russian Foreign Ministry will “express concern”. And it would be nice if it wasn't on Marie Zakharová's Facebook. Zhirinovsky says he will not leave this insult unpunished. What is the point?

Here, Vahabzade is a diplomat, he must understand what can and cannot be said. Oh no no no The fact is, as a diplomat, he understands. Be able to. There, in the back, Turkey. And Russia and Turkey have a contract for gas, construction of a nuclear power plant, supply of S-400. So you cannot wait on the threshold of Peter and Boshirov (which would be a real rebuke). It's not scary. And everything else is a concussion.

In June, a nine-year-old Russian child was beaten by judo peers every day at a sports camp in Kyrgyzstan. Because he is Russian and Orthodox. They were forced to say Muslim prayers. He returned from wrapped in bruises.

The story received a public response. On July 10, the Russian Foreign Ministry “drew attention” to the situation. They said they were monitoring the investigation, noting that what was happening was under the special control of Ulukbek Maripov, Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan. On July 14, the head of Rossotrudnichestva Evgeny Primakov spoke about the situation with the beating of a Russian child. He called on the Kyrgyz authorities to “take care of the Russians” as the guarantor of the “civilizational consistency” of the Central Asian republic.

Well, it seems – the “Russian world”, we do not abandon our own affairs. But here's the charming end – in Kyrgyzstan, the family was forced to withdraw the application. The case of beating a Russian boy was closed, but at least they apologized.

Only the Orthodox Church did something real – Patriarch Kirill wrote a letter to the family with an invitation to Moscow. The next day the family really arrived in the capital and will rest there. By the way, the boys handed over gloves signed by the world-famous fighter Fedor Emelianenko.

In Kyrgyzstan, they understood correctly. And on August 2, a client of a children's center grossly demanded that an employee speak to him exclusively in Kyrgyzstan. Then he started insulting the girl and threw a calculator at her. Law enforcers even detained him. But after a few minutes, they let it go and … he went back to the center and continued to insult the employee.

The video from the web made a lot of noise again. Vyacheslav Volodin inflated – “instructed the profile committee” to ask the Speaker of the Kyrgyz Parliament to take control of the situation with the attack on the girl. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Petr Tolstoj promised problems to Russophobes on social networks. “No one dares to reach out to a Russian, whether in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan or Estonia,” he wrote. “Language patrols” have already appeared in Tolstoy, Kazakhstan, which controls the use of the Kazakh language in shops and government offices. “Activists” on camera make Russian-speaking citizens apologize for using Russian. According to Tolstoy, anyone who participates in the manifestations of Russophobia will inevitably face problems and be banned for life in Russia: “We will protect the Russians everywhere and always.”

As I heard it, I almost shed a tear from my emotions. Especially funny about the entrance. You can inflate your cheeks as much as you want, and even stamp your feet and threaten with your fist. But.

The head of the Ministry of Construction Irek Envarovich Fayzullin said that Russia lacks 1.2 million “highly qualified” guest workers from neighboring countries. And Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Shakirzyanovich Khusnullin said that by 2024, Russian construction projects will need to attract about 5 million migrants.

All the words about the protection of the Russians are therefore blah-blah-blah public demand. Where is the zero tolerance for incredible migrants? Where is a sensible migration policy? Where is the provision of jobs primarily for their own population? Where are the harsh economic sanctions against countries that discriminate against Russians?

In fact, money decides everything. The money for which we were actually sold by citizens from the upper world. This means that the Russians can be mixed with shit. It's a shame, but it's true.


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