The NYT reported that the West was making fun of Putin

Photo: Natalia Gubernatorova

US and European authorities countries have made Russian President Vladimir Putin laugh with “their eco-friendly window dressing”. The New York Times writes about it.

They emphasized that in Europe they “pretended that they could get rid of big emissions and go directly to renewable energy, and everything would be in chocolate”. However, the publication points out that, especially in Germany, they failed to realize that “the only reason this blue dream of theirs seems feasible is because Putin has been selling them cheap gas to make up the difference.”

< p> As a result, the author of the publication called on Western countries to return to reality. He pointed out that the United States could theoretically meet its oil and gas needs. Still, even they don't have enough export resources to offset cuts in oil production from Russia and OPEC+.

The NYT notes that the only effective way to transition would be to send a price signal related to either taxes. on “”dirty energy” or with incentives for clean energy. So it is emphasized that it is time for the West to ensure a stable and reliable supply of energy with minimal emissions at minimal cost. Otherwise, these words “can be safely called interpretation.”

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said earlier that it was becoming increasingly difficult for the European Union to find new areas to impose sanctions against Russia, saying there were not many elements left to impose sanctions restrictions on.

September 6 the eighth package of anti-Russian sanctions of the European Union entered into force, which, among other things, determines the legislative basis for setting the price ceiling for Russian oil. As announced, the oil price ceiling will be implemented on December 5 for petroleum products – February 5, 2023.


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