Kyrgyzstan cancels exercise with CSTO forces “Indestructible Brotherhood-2022”


The Kyrgyz Ministry of Defense announced the decision to cancel conducting command and staff exercises with the participation of CSTO peacekeeping forces “Indestructible Brotherhood-2022”.

The exercise was supposed to take place in October in the city of Balykchy in the Issyk-Kul region on 10-14 October It was planned to invite representatives of Mongolia, Serbia, Syria, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as observers.

The reason for canceling the exercise was not announced. The CSTO, which in addition to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, also includes Russia, Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, has not yet commented on Bishkek's decision.

At the beginning of the summer, the Kyrgyz Ministry of Defense announced the launch. preparations for the exercise in There were mainly staff meetings with the CSTO forces. Tajik military personnel were planned to be involved in the exercise, but after subsequent military clashes on the border, Kyrgyz politicians and the public demanded that representatives of the Tajik armed forces could not participate in the exercise, notes.


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