Iranian women set fire to their hijabs and cut their hair in protest

photo source: video screenshot

Women in Iran started a protest after the death of 22-year-old Maxa Amini. The police beat her to death because her head was allegedly not covered tightly by the hijab. Authorities said the girl died of a heart attack after four days in a coma.

Protests broke out at her funeral in the city of Sekkez. The disaffected began shouting “death to the dictator!”, clearly referring to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Some of them went to the local governor's office, where the police dispersed them with gunshots and tear gas.

Then Iranian women staged a flash mob on social media, filming themselves cutting their long hair and burning hijabs while shouting anti-government slogans. slogans.

It is noteworthy that government officials and pro-government journalists also joined the sharp criticism of the authorities.< /p>

In Tehran, they announced the opening of an investigation: the police who participated in the girl's death are being investigated . They face up to 10 years in prison.

See also: “Taliban obliges all Afghan women to wear hijab”


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