DPR authorities: The Ukrainian armed forces set fire to tons of grain in the port of Mariupol

DLR chief adviser Yan Gagin said the Ukrainian armed forces had set fire to the grain in the warehouses of the seaport of Mariupol. The fire was not saved, the grain was gone.

Photo: pixabay.com

DLR chief adviser Yan Gagin said Ukraine's armed forces had set fire to the grain that was in Mariupol's seaport warehouses. It was not possible to save him during the fire, the grain was gone.

He specified that the Ukrainian soldiers set fire to the granary during the retreat.

“Currently, a large amount of grain is located in the port of Mariupol. Judging by its appearance and smell, it is completely unusable. During the retreat, the enemy set fire to the area where the grain was stored. So the Armed Forces of Ukraine wanted the DPR not to get it, so that the grain could not be used. The fire was extinguished for several days, but without success, “added Gagin.

According to him, we are talking about tons of grain. Even after the fire, this grain cannot be used as feed for livestock. According to liftist.com, the Mariupol port's storage facility hit 57,000 tonnes at full capacity in 2019.

Recall that former UN officials have repeatedly spoken of the threat of a food crisis due to a shortage of grain. Western countries in particular have often accused Russia of obstructing grain supplies from Ukraine, while Russia has denied all allegations.

Источник www.mk.ru

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