German intelligence has marked the remaining date for Ukrainian troops in the Donbas

Photo: Video frame of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In its article on the limitation of German military aid to Ukraine, the German publication Der Spiegel cites BND intelligence data that can be used to assess when Russian troops will take control of the entire Donbas.

“Between March 30 and 26 “Only two deliveries arrived from Germany in May,” the report said. The article also states that it was a supply of anti-tank mines and similar weapons.

The publication notes that at the same time, Russian troops are moving forward and experts have already begun to ask how long the Ukrainian army can last.


“The German foreign intelligence service BND fears that the Ukrainian resistance may be broken in the next four to five weeks,” the publication said. said in a series of secret briefings that “the Russians … are able to conquer small territories every day.” In this regard, the German intelligence service believes that “by August Putin's troops will be able to control the entire Donbass.”


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