The court sentenced Lyubov to Sobol a restriction of liberty to 1.5 years

In Moscow, Preobrazhensky court sentenced Lyubov Sobol to one year and six months' restriction of liberty. & Nbsp; Interestingly, during the verdict, a former FBK judge (a extremist organization banned in Russia and recognized as a foreign agent) was removed from the courtroom. Without permission, she filmed what was happening on the phone.

During the debate, the prosecutor's office asked the court to appoint Sobol two years in prison. He asked him to forbid her from leaving the house from 10 pm to 6 am, as well as to attend or participate in mass and other events. In addition, she was asked to ban leaving the village where she lives.

The court had previously found Sobola guilty of inciting violations of hygiene standards due to misconduct in the capital. & Nbsp;

The investigation believes that she and other defendants urged citizens to attend an uncoordinated assembly on January 23, which caused people, including coronavirus patients, to attend the event, creating a threat of mass executions. diseases.

Sobol read the sentence herself: a video from the court

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