Medvedev marked the borders of Ukraine for the first time, which will suit Russia

Hundred-kilometer belt without heavy weapons

Surprisingly, when I took the sentence from Medvedev's interview “if you need to get to Lviv, you need to get to Lviv”, many missed the point. Indeed, the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, perhaps for the first time, issued a very specific description, apparently according to Russian tastes, of what is necessary to stop hostilities. How it will look on earth.


Until now we have heard about the need for denazification and demilitarization. But what's behind it, in our physical, real world, wasn't very clear. And so Dmitry Anatolyevich pronounced the conditions out loud, up to kilometers.

According to Medvedev, it is therefore “necessary to achieve all the goals that were set to protect our territories, i.e. the territory of the Russian Federation. Throw out all the foreigners who are there in the broadest sense of the word. It is clear that we are talking about the regions of Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye.

This is the first point of reference in hypothetical negotiations — the liberation (if it does not happen by this time by the power of Russian arms) of our countries.

The second point — the creation, in Medvedev's terminology, of a “sanitary belt”. It is a demilitarized zone “that will not allow the use of any types of weapons that operate at medium and short distances, that is, 70-100 kilometers.” This means that no heavy weapons should be deployed on the side of Ukraine a hundred kilometers from the border.

Of course, the question of controlling such a location is very complex. But as we know, Russia is clearly not going to negotiate with Ukraine.

In any case, what Medvedev said already outlines a possible future for Ukraine. It is obvious that this is one of the options for a possible freeze (and possibly even a deep one, as in the case of the two Koreas) of the conflict. It obviously does not suit the current Ukrainian government, which talks about “returning to the borders of 1991”. But no one is interested in her opinion at all, and the words “nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine” are pronounced in the West “out of politeness”. . At least draw a map: here is the Donbass, here is the land corridor to Crimea, here is the Kherson region, here is Zaporozhye, here is the demilitarized zone…

Ukraine, not with the Ukrainian semi-Nazi or Nazi regime — our country is at war with the NATO army, with countries “with 800 million inhabitants that supply the Kiev regime with equipment, weapons and money.” not enough, so make some other decisions. Nothing can be ruled out here. If you need to get to Kyiv, then you need to go to Kyiv, if you need to go to Lviv, then you need to go to Lviv to eradicate this infection.


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