Details of the last battle of the special forces hero Ivan Rekhovsky became known


About the circumstances of the last battles of the commander of the reconnaissance group of the 10th separate brigade of special forces, Captain Ivan Rechovský, the Military Informant Telegram channel reported. The special forces officer died in July 2022. In March 2023, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously). Volgograd Region Governor Andrey Bocharov presented the Golden Star of a Hero to the mother of Andrei Rechovsky last week.

According to the Telegram channel, on July 2, 2022, Andrei Rechovsky's group moved to help one of the special forces units that was ambushed. The commando moved on foot to the marked area. Rekhovsky was the first in the main patrol. On the way, two MON-50 fragmentation anti-personnel mines were discovered and neutralized.

In the enemy stronghold itself, Rekhovsky encountered a militant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who asked our people: “Who are they?”. “Rekhovsky, – informs the information source, – immediately assessed the situation, answered, they say, “his, own”, with a smile, turned to the group that gave the order, and also turned back to the enemy. smile, immediately put him down. How writes the channel, Rekhovsky personally neutralized the first explosions of three Veseushniks.

During the next battle, Captain Rekhovsky received a double blow. He died on the battlefield. The commander's subordinates were dragged away and evacuated to the base.

Later from the data of radio interception of enemy communications revealed that there were up to 40 soldiers in the fortress of the armed forces. Ukrainians who were preparing to ambush our forces. The enemy's losses amounted to ten people. In Rekhovsky's group, another reconnaissance sniper corporal Vadim Zakharchenko, who was also nominated for the title of Hero, died Russia.

It is known that in April 2022, Rechovsky's special forces destroyed in a battle one of the leaders of the Right Sector terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation » Taras Bobanich, It happened under Izyum.


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