China has predicted that the United States will lose the confidence of foreign investors because of Russia


Confidence of foreign investors to US financial institutions undermined by the US decision to freeze Russian state property. Washington's footsteps indicate that a country pursuing its own selfish political interests is ready to immediately take away public and private foreign accounts, notes the Chinese Global Times portal.

In this case, no words will convince foreign investors of the security of their capital . As a result, Washington has simply signed a death pact with the US financial system.

This article also notes US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's statement about the illegality of confiscating Russian assets in favor of Ukraine. In the GT, however, these words are not seen as a voice of reason, but rather as the beginning of a debate on how to legally acquire these assets.

There is probably a “good cop, bad cop” in the strategy game. The White House is therefore calling for the arrest of Russian government accounts in an effort to reassure European allies. Yellen is simply trying to convince foreign investors that it is still safe to keep their money in the US.

Earlier, Junge Welt said that Washington and Brussels had ignored Moscow's security interests, and that Ukraine had ignited the conflict. He notes that the Russian Federation has been saying for 20 years that the republic should not join NATO because it does not want American missiles to appear at its borders. Oskar Lafontaine, the former chairman of the Social Democratic Party in Germany, told the German press.

According to him, the situation in Ukraine is similar to that in Cuba. The politician called it a false argument that each state can decide independently which trade union it wants to join.


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