Afghan rebels are asking the West to send them weapons to fight the Taliban


The Washington Post published statements by resistance fighters from Panjshir province, which still remains out of the control of the Taliban (a terrorist organization banned in Russia). In it, the rebels ask Western countries to help them with arms supplies.

Their leader, Ahmad Massoud, said that America and NATO countries had simply left the “battlefield” and left them alone. At the same time, the United States can still become a “great arsenal of democracy.”

“That's why I ask our friends in the West to stand up in New York and Washington. Tell the presidential administration and Congress about our problems. Intercede for us in London and Paris. Afghan army soldiers and special forces have already responded to our call. Now he is heading to Panjshir with weapons and equipment, but that is not enough, “Masood said.

According to him, Mujahideen fighters will defend Panjshir to the last as the last bastion of Afghan freedom, but it will require more equipment and ammunition.


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